Peach Blossoms Blossom Author: Liuli Weiyue

ВопросыPeach Blossoms Blossom Author: Liuli Weiyue
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Larry спросил 1 год назад

«I can’t.» Can not be so calculated, small animals can not be used as a standing combat force, hurt will be distressed. But Cang Yue did not give the peach a chance to finish, and glared at the peach with peach blossom eyes and walked away. God gave you a pair of beautiful eyes, but you use it to stare at people, too sorry God his old man. Hug in the arms of small Se and knife knife, Aerys don’t have to think, is preparing the naughty coffee part, peach thought for a while, decided to turn to black them. Thank you, sister, for looking up to us. We just lack a chance to practice when we are cannon fodder. Black and pleasant, squeezed a word out of his teeth. I’m not ready to be cannon fodder for the first time. Lulu scratched her head modestly. Too bad, they. Retreat is more looking forward to bullying the natural dull end. Lulu, call Anbeimo. One more person, one more effort. «An Beimo said he was going to cram school and didn’t have time to come.» “…… A friend in need is a friend indeed, Lulu. Do you know what to do? «In fact, he is a little selfish and likes to pretend to be X, and he is still a good person.» Lulu to finger. Black raised his hand. Lulu immediately changed his tune and said, «I’ll fight every time I see you, but I’ll have to find a way to perish together!» «Bingo!»! You have to remember, «the black queen,» the weak are afraid of the strong, the strong are afraid of the desperate, and the desperate are afraid of perverts. All our goals are! «No cavities.» «Become a pervert!» «Damn,Micro Gear Motor, who said that about tooth decay?» Black, dangerous squinting. Lulu and Tuisan covered their mouths and shook their heads. I There was a faint sound on the black communicator. Peach, you wait for me, and I’ll fix you right away! Black rushed to the new town with Lulu and Retreat, and found that the peaches were really shrinking their heads and waiting for them in situ. Peaches, can you be more honest? Black see this scene, extremely powerless. The four of them sat around the lawn of the peach colony, discussing the battle plan. Unexpectedly chose your territory in the center of the hat house, Sima Zhao’s heart. Black feeling. The hat house here is called silent, the naughty side is called melodious, the name of the city is called melodious silent, as if to commemorate a great man who contributed his life to the construction of the city. Peach held out a finger and told her the inside information she had heard. Everyone knows this. Naughty coffee is ruthless enough. Even the name of the city has been blackmailed. Maybe the Lord of the city has fallen on them. «The castellan hasn’t been elected yet. They say they’ll wait until they defend the city.» Peach once again revealed the inside story. Everyone has thought of this. Peach, how did you get into trouble with the hat house? Please let them go! To let them go is to let yourself go, 12v High Torque Motor ,24v Dc Motor With Gearbox, black forehead. Peach flat-mouthed said the cause and effect again, repeatedly emphasizing the loveliness and harmlessness of Xiao Se and Dao Dao, but also the image of a kiss, the kiss of Xiao Se straight wagging his tail, Dao Dao enthusiastic waving appendages. Finally, he looked at the black crowd with the expression of «look, how lovely they are». Black collective black line. If I happen to be 120 years old, and I happen to have a beloved weapon, which was killed three times in a row, and gnawed a row of teeth marks, I will find that person desperately, instead of giving her the task of guarding such a small piece of land. Retreat and speak earnestly. This place is the size of the front yard of an ordinary villa, and the members of the hat houses on both sides can easily come to help. It’s just after their cannon fodder. When the peach heard the retreat, she was about to flatten her mouth. Almost at the same time, Xiao Se stretched out his little meat pad and shone his nails. The knife waved its front like it was infected. Wait! Hear me out! Retreat to cover his chest and ask for a reprieve. «But he was too unkind. Peach worked hard for him for two days without complaint. She didn’t even want to give her time to reunite with her babies. She was a beast.» Nope! Not as good as a beast. In the peach-heavy hall, Xiao Se and Dao Dao agreed to recover the murder weapon. Retreat scattered in the heart to add a sentence, this is a gang of animals. “……” Black, Lulu silent. I have only one battle plan. I will be used as cannon fodder. If I die a few more times to let the God calm down, we will be spared naturally. Don’t forget to take off the equipment, especially the retreat. You dare to drop the sub-artifact and wait to be destroyed ten thousand times. Retreat and nod tremblingly. «Peach, you drive out a few more low-level equipment, when the time comes we are embarrassed to really run naked on the stage.» “…… In fact, it’s enough for me to be cannon fodder. Don’t say that. We are friends. What are friends for? It’s used to fight disasters. If a big cake is smashed down, a few more people will not have to die too miserably. «Black, you mean to pull the cushion.» Don’t be so subtle, we get it. Retreat and look at the black implicitly. Black Mo, «is it interesting to pierce the window paper?» «In fact, I called you here because I thought of a feasible way.» Peaches wipe sweat, she really has no friends, how honest and promising young people ah. «Huh?» People can’t believe it. Peach waved her hand, everyone gathered, and she began to whisper about how to defend the city. Retreat and clap your fists, «I think it’s OK. Peach, you’re so smart. You’re making more and more progress. Maybe when will you evolve from a natural daze to a natural demon..» Black face a punch, hit fly back, «shut up ah, little mind test!» » A natural stay for a long time to make a group of great gods chicken flying dog jump, really evolved, that also got, in addition to the end of the world, she can not think of other nouns. But I haven’t touched it for a long time. I want to go to cram school now! Lulu’s eyes gave out a green glow. «I heard that the monster attacked the city and lost JP equipment, and might harvest God’s pet eggs. Hiss-» Lulu took a sip of saliva. » None of you can rob pet eggs with me,12v Dc Motor High Torque Low Rpm, especially those with sub-artifacts! «Don’t worry, I’m not going to keep any more pets for the time being. Those two obsessive-compulsive animals are tired enough for me.» The thought of the little black dog and the panda is a headache and a heartache. I won’t either. I don’t want a lot of treasures at home. I don’t want any more pets. Peaches have long vowed not to be spoiled, and they can’t be served too much.