How To Create Agency In Poppo: A Simple 5-Step Guide

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Live Hosting спросил 1 год назад

Here is a simple 5-step guide on how to create agency in poppo :

  1. Sign up and create an account: Go to the Poppo website and sign up for an account. You can either sign up with your email or connect with Google.
  2. Create a team: Once you have signed up, click on «Create a Team» and enter a team name. You can add members to your team by entering their email addresses.
  3. Create a client: Click on «Create a Client» and enter the client’s name. You can also add any necessary details such as contact information and billing information.
  4. Create a project: After you have created a client, click on «Create a Project» and enter a project name. Choose the team that will work on the project, and select the client for whom you are creating the project.
  5. Create tasks: Within the project, you can create tasks by clicking on «Create a Task,» entering the task name, and assigning it to a team member. You can also set a due date and add any necessary details.

And that’s it! You have successfully created an agency in Poppo and can begin managing your projects, tasks, and clients.